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Background Checks for Subcontracted Home Improvement Specialists

Home Renovations Background Checks Help Big-Box Retailers Employ Only the Best Subcontractors

Consumers continue to spend thousands of dollars on home renovation and improvement projects in a post-pandemic world. This has created a lucrative revenue stream for the major brands that have developed trusted and long-standing relationships with their customers. Hardware and renovation stores, including big-box retailers, have a unique avenue for connecting with customers who have trusted your brand for years. These customers are willing to spend thousands of dollars to complete complex renovation work on their homes, leaning on your trust to get the job done.

Most clients are unaware of the relationship between subcontractors and retailers and assume that your brand will send professionals who are of the highest quality into their homes. Subcontractors ultimately represent the retailers. Should work be completed incorrectly, or a laborer acts inappropriately, it will harm your brand and create serious liability issues in the long term.

Protect your business and the customers you serve with background checks for employment on local businesses and home improvement specialists you subcontract.

Background Checks Maintain Trust Between Customer and Retailer

Local businesses and self-employed professionals are in a gray area in terms of criminal histories and professional license verifications. Subcontracted local renovation professionals may have criminal records or exaggerated credentials and should be subject to the same rigorous screening as your full-time staff. In fact, those you pay to work in the homes of your valued customers should experience regular screening and background checks that ensure they are of the highest quality.

Painter Background Checks: Should All Subcontractors Be Screened?

Consider screening the following home improvement specialists for criminal histories, poor driving records, and professional certifications to ensure you subcontract out the best possible work.

  • Bathroom remodelers
  • Delivery drivers
  • Plumbers
  • Lawn and garden professionals
  • Interior designers
  • Furniture assembly specialists
  • Home installation specialists
  • Kitchen renovation specialists and cabinet makers
  • Garage door installation specialists
  • Bricklayers
  • Basement renovation specialists
  • Woodworkers for backyard projects, including fences and decks
  • Roofers

interview Background Checks: Continue to Offer Quality Services and Labor

Many background check companies can offer comprehensive and efficient background checks under especially tight deadlines, helping your business thrive during this surge in home renovation projects. Proper due diligence doesn’t have to slow down your business but can instead help to offer quality work to customers while protecting the general public. The hiring of a subcontractor with a criminal history can result in major risks to your customers and your business.

Customers expect quality labor and good behavior from your staff, even if they are unaware of the nature between subcontractor and employer. Take every precaution possible to ensure you subcontract out laborers who can offer quality service and represent your brand as they enter the homes of your customers.

Screening Subcontractors Alongside ISB Global Services

Big-box retailers can ensure that those they subcontract work out to are suitable for the job. ISB maintains large databases of information that can verify the claims made by tradespeople and uncover criminal histories that could put your business at risk.

ISB Global Services performs comprehensive screening services that allow any retailer or hardware brand to ensure ongoing compliance of their vendors or subcontractors quickly and efficiently. From skilled trades, home installation services, electricians, plumbers, and lawn care specialists, ISB Global Services offerings can verify the claims made by these professionals and ensure quality work.

Contact ISB Global Services directly to learn more about subcontractor screening services to protect your company’s reputation for quality services.
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